Equipment repair and maintenance
Our company is a certified service centre of proposed equipment and it provides technological, service and methodological support. The company personnel includes qualified technological specialists, who regularly take part in training and certification on the factories of manufacturers. We provide the full support cycle for supplied equipment on our own: adjustment works, commissioning, user training, supplying of spare parts and consumables, maintenance and technical support throughout the whole service life.
- a set of adjustment works
- warranty and post-warranty servicing
- equipment categorization
- user training
- equipment diagnostics, maintenance and repairing
- methodological support
- laser particle analysers
- aerosol particles counters
- Counters of particles share in liquids
- Portable Raman and IR-spectrometers
- video spectral comparators
- mass spectrometers
- electronic microscopes
- leak detectors
- online monitoring systems in clean premises and their components
Timely equipment diagnostics and maintenance ensures its correct functioning, high efficiency and reliable results!